Land Acknowledgement

Algonquin College campuses in Ottawa, Perth and Pembroke are located on the traditional unceded, and unsurrendered territory of the Anishinàbe Algonquin People. The Algonquin People have inhabited and cared for these lands since time immemorial. We take this time to express our gratitude and respect to them and to the land for all that it has provided and will continue to provide.


As a post-secondary institution, we acknowledge the harms done to Indigenous Peoples and are committed to learning from the past. We pledge to promote healing and resilience as we move forward in partnership with the Algonquin Nations, First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Peoples in a spirit of reconciliation.


While we recognize that territorial acknowledgements are only one step in cultivating greater respect and inclusion of Indigenous Peoples, we commit to accompanying these words with actions. We are dedicated to building a future and community that is better for all.


We pledge to continue exploring and making meaningful contributions to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action.

Learn more about the College's commitment to Truth and Reconciliation:

Course Description

Accounting experience is advantageous when students search for work after graduation. Students apply the skills and knowledge acquired to date in the program to a practical work environment. Students report to a select employer and complete accounting-related tasks. Upon completion of the work placement, employers and students rate the experience.

Vocational Learning Outcomes

This course provides the opportunity for you to achieve the following outcomes:

0214C01FWO - Business - Accounting

VLO 1 Record financial transactions in compliance with Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for sole proprietorships, partnerships, private enterprises, publicly accountable enterprises and non-profit organizations. (CP)
VLO 2 Prepare and present financial statements, reports and other documents in compliance with Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for sole proprietorships, partnerships and private enterprises. (CP)
VLO 3 Contribute to recurring decision-making by applying fundamental management accounting concepts. (CP)
VLO 4 Prepare individuals’ income tax returns and basic tax planning in compliance with relevant legislation and regulations. (CP)
VLO 5 Analyze organizational structures, the interdependence of functional areas, and the impact those relationships can have on financial performance. (CP)
VLO 7 Outline the elements of an organization’s internal control system and risk management. (CP)
VLO 8 Contribute to recurring decision-making by applying fundamental financial management concepts. (CP)

0214C07PAO - Business - Accounting

VLO 1 Record financial transactions in compliance with Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for sole proprietorships, partnerships, private enterprises, publicly accountable enterprises and non-profit organizations. (CP)
VLO 2 Prepare and present financial statements, reports and other documents in compliance with Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for sole proprietorships, partnerships and private enterprises. (CP)
VLO 3 Contribute to recurring decision-making by applying fundamental management accounting concepts. (CP)
VLO 4 Prepare individuals’ income tax returns and basic tax planning in compliance with relevant legislation and regulations. (CP)
VLO 5 Analyze organizational structures, the interdependence of functional areas, and the impact those relationships can have on financial performance. (CP)
VLO 7 Outline the elements of an organization’s internal control system and risk management. (CP)
VLO 8 Contribute to recurring decision-making by applying fundamental financial management concepts. (CP)

0214C09FAO - Business - Accounting

VLO 1 Record financial transactions in compliance with Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for sole proprietorships, partnerships, private enterprises, publicly accountable enterprises and non-profit organizations. (CP)
VLO 2 Prepare and present financial statements, reports and other documents in compliance with Canadian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for sole proprietorships, partnerships and private enterprises. (CP)
VLO 3 Contribute to recurring decision-making by applying fundamental management accounting concepts. (CP)
VLO 4 Prepare individuals’ income tax returns and basic tax planning in compliance with relevant legislation and regulations. (CP)
VLO 5 Analyze organizational structures, the interdependence of functional areas, and the impact those relationships can have on financial performance. (CP)
VLO 7 Outline the elements of an organization’s internal control system and risk management. (CP)
VLO 8 Contribute to recurring decision-making by applying fundamental financial management concepts. (CP)
Assessment Levels —T: Taught A: Assessed CP: Culminating Performance 

Essential Employability Skills

This course contributes to your program by helping you achieve the following Essential Employability Skills:

EES 1 Communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in the written, spoken and visual form that fulfills the purpose and meets the needs of the audience. (CP)
EES 2 Respond to written, spoken or visual messages in a manner that ensures effective communication. (CP)
EES 3 Execute mathematical operations accurately. (CP)
EES 4 Apply a systematic approach to solve problems. (CP)
EES 5 Use a variety of thinking skills to anticipate and solve problems. (CP)
EES 6 Locate, select, organize and document information using appropriate technology and information systems. (CP)
EES 7 Analyze, evaluate and apply relevant information from a variety of sources. (CP)
EES 8 Show respect for diverse opinions, values, belief systems and contributions of others. (CP)
EES 9 Interact with others in groups or teams in ways that contribute to effective working relationships and the achievement of goals. (CP)
EES 10 Manage the use of time and other resources to complete projects. (CP)
EES 11 Take responsibility for one's own actions, decisions and consequences. (CP)
Assessment Levels —T: Taught A: Assessed CP: Culminating Performance 

Course Learning Requirements / Embedded Knowledge and Skills

When you have earned credit for this course, you will have demonstrated the ability to:

1. Apply academic skills and knowledge in a practical work setting.

  • Demonstrate the ability to complete tasks with a high degree of accuracy and careful attention to detail - particularly with items input into the employer's accounting system.
  • Demonstrate the ability to use the employer's communications system.
  • Demonstrate the ability to follow directions given and provide support to senior level of accountant(s) within the organization.
  • Demonstrate the ability to work well with those within the organization.
  • Demonstrate the appropriate (high) level of communications skills required of an accountant by employing appropriate and professional verbal and written skills.

2. Exhibit professional behaviour in a practical work setting.

  • Demonstrate professional behaviour (e.g., consistent attendance and punctuality, reliability, professional demeanour and appearance).
  • Demonstrate the ability to adapt behaviour in response to professional feedback.
  • Demonstrate appropriate interpersonal skills.

3. Perform basic tasks of accounting including, but not restricted to, collection and recording of expenses, functions of accounts receivable and accounts payable, and reconciliations.

  • Demonstrate the ability to complete accounting tasks within the employers' accounting application software.
  • Demonstrate mathematical aptitude and analytical abilities expected in an entry level accounting position.  In addition, produce work of an acceptable quality and quantity.
  • Demonstrate the ability to problem solve.
  • Demonstrate appropriate time management skills.
  • Demonstrate the ability to review your own work or work of others with excellent attention to detail.

4. Use software (such as Excel, QuickBooks, Sage, or other accounting software) to perform accounting tasks.

  • Demonstrate the ability to operate the employer's accounting system and other computer programs as they relate to your duties (including but not limited to the use of Excel,  the employer's accounting application software, Word and the employer's email system).

5. Perform as part of a team.

  • Demonstrate the ability to work within a group of fellow employees to produce required outcomes on a timely basis.
  • Show an interest and dedication to both the tasks and the employer.
  • Ensure that all deadlines are acknowledged and adhered to, asking questions of supervisor(s) only if items are not clear.
  • Demonstrate the ability to retain information and direction from the employer/supervisor wthout repetitively asking the employer to repeat direction over and over.

Learning Resources


To access your course list, learning resources and costs, visit Booklist.
Please note that a learner must be registered in a specific course or program to view this information.
Program tuition and fees can be found on the Tuition and Fees Estimator for Full-time Programs page.

Learning Activities

Working part-time in an accounting/business environment.

The student will be exposed to:

- accounting systems and other technologies

- communication networks and a professional working environment. 

The student will be required to follow instructions given by more senior accountant(s) and provide necessary support to the supervisor and department.

The student will work with other individuals similar to group projects completed in other courses.

The student may have to handle multiple tasks at one time, and will have to demonstrate good organizational skills in order to complete tasks on time, and in order of priority.

Pre-defined Evaluation / Earning Credit

The following list provides evidence of this course's learning achievements and the outcomes they validate:

Work Placement/Internship (Pass/Fail)

Validates Outcomes:  CLR 1, CLR 2, CLR 3, CLR 4, CLR 5, EES 1, EES 2, EES 3, EES 4, EES 5, EES 6, EES 7, EES 8, EES 9, EES 10, EES 11

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition

Students who wish to apply for Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) need to demonstrate competency at a post-secondary level in all outlined course learning requirements. Evidence of learning achievement for PLAR candidates includes:

  • Other: Provide a recent resume with details as to where the applicant has worked in an accounting environment for a reasonable time period as determined by the coordinator, including the type of responsibilities fulfilled. Provide us with the contact information of your employer so that we may: 1. contact the employer to discuss the role of the applicant within the organization; 2. obtain an evaluation of the level of tasks carried out by the applicant; 3. obtain an evaluation of the applicant's overall quality of job performance.

Other Information

Students are required to respect the confidentiality of employer, client and/or patient information, interactions, and practices that occur either on Algonquin College premises, or at an affiliated clinical/field/co-op placement site. Concerns regarding clients, patients, and/or employer practices are to be brought to the attention of the program coordinator, or designated field/clinical/co-op placement supervisor so that they may be resolved collaboratively. Such concerns are not to be raised publically either verbally, in writing, or in electronic forums. These matters are to be addressed through established program communication pathways.

Grade Scheme

GPA is not calculated. A student who achieves a "P" in this course may progress in his/her program.

Course Related Information

Students should be aware and agree to the following risks of choosing work placement in this program of study (and have agreed to assume these risks personally):

1. Employers may change their mind and revoke any work placement offer before you start or during your work placement due to any number of reasons including lack of performance or lack of staffing resources, and as such, the student may not be able to complete the required 135 hours to earn course credit. As a result the student may NOT graduate on time (i.e., in June 2025).

2. Students that are not able to finish ACC0044 due to the above mentioned or other unforeseen circumstances will be required to complete ACC0012 with AC Online and will bear the burden of additional fees and or the entire fees for this course (approx. $500 for non-international students). Students cannot graduate until they have successfully completed all 20 required diploma courses.

3. If the employer terminates your work placement after you commence work, you likely will not graduate on time, as you will not be able to register in the regular on-campus course before the enrolment deadline. The risk is entirely the student's and not Algonquin College’s.

4. If you are an international student, you will be required to obtain, on your own, the required work visa for Work Placement– if it does not arrive by January 2, 2025 you will be removed from the Work placement course and placed into ACC0012 on campus.

5. If you have not found an employer willing to take you by January 2, 2025, then you will be automatically removed from ACC0044 and placed into ACC0012 on campus.

6. Students must sign a document and submit it indicating their agreement to the above prior to going out on Work Placement.

Program Information

Department Information

School of Business Procedures

The School of Business Procedures file is located under “Course Information” in your course Brightspace site.  These procedures are specific to School of Business programs and either cover issues not included in College Policies and Directives or elaborate on them.

Student Academic Responsibilities
Each student is responsible for:
• Knowing the due dates for marked out-of-class assignments.
• Knowing the dates of in-class marked assignments and exercises.
• Maintaining a folder of all work done in the course during the semester for validation claims in cases of disagreement with faculty.
• Keeping both paper and electronic copies of all assignments, marked and unmarked, in case papers are lost or go missing;
• Regularly checking both Brightspace announcements as well as one's Algonquin e-mail account for important messages from both professor and college administration.
• Participating in on-line and classroom exercises and activities as required.
Exemptions may be granted to students who have successfully passed an equivalent course at a post-secondary institution. If you wish to apply for an exemption contact the coordinator of the course for academic advice.  To apply for an exemption, you must contact the Registrar’s Office before the deadline listed on your timetable.

Withdrawing From The Course
The last date for withdrawing from courses without academic penalty is printed on your timetable.  The student is responsible for notifying the instructor and completing the appropriate form for withdrawal with the College Registrar.

Software Copyright
In the past few years, the Copyright Act has been updated to cover computer software. If the police lay charges against someone infringing copyright, the maximum penalties for a
summary conviction are "a fine not exceeding $25,000 or imprisonment for a term not
exceeding six months or both." The maximum penalties for an indictable conviction are "a fine not exceeding one million dollars or imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or both."  Making a copy of software package for your own use, other than a backup copy of package that you have purchased as allowed in your license agreement, would make you liable for the above penalties.

Harassment, discrimination and violence will not be tolerated. Any form of harassment (sexual, racial, gender or disability related), discrimination (direct or indirect), or violence, whether towards a professor or amongst students, will not be tolerated on the college premises. Action taken will start with a formal warning and proceed to the full disciplinary actions as outlined in Algonquin College policy. For further information, refer to the Student Instaguide or get a copy of the official policy statements from the Student Association (Directive A8).  

Plagiarism Detection Software
"Turnitin" plagiarism detection software is in use in the School of Business. Professors may require students to submit their work for review. Scores higher than 20% are subject to review under policy AA48: Academic Integrity found at 

Retention of Student Work
Students are advised that original, electronic, or copied samples of their work may be retained for the purpose of program quality review by assessment panels. Unless students have otherwise granted permission, anonymity will be respected for all work retained for the purpose of quality review. Original work samples, may be retained with student agreement and will be returned.

Academic Probation or Withdrawal from Academic Program
as per College Policy AA14, which can be found at

"A student is on academic probation when the term cumulative grade point average falls below
1.7, or when a student carries 2 or more "F" grades. A student on academic probation may
continue in the program, subject to conditions set by the Academic Administrator. In some
cases, there may be program specific progression requirements which supersede the foregoing.

The transcript message reads:
Academic Probation - Please see your Program Coordinator"

"A student on probation may be required to:
a. reduce his/her course load,
b. withdraw from full-time status within the program, or
c. withdraw completely from the program.

A student required to withdraw completely from Level 01 must reapply through the Ontario
College Application Services. A student required to withdraw from an advanced level of the program must have the approval of the Academic Administrator prior to resuming his/her studies."

College Related Information

Algonquin College’s policies have been developed to ensure the health, safety and security of all students, faculty and staff, and the proper and fair operation of the College as an academic institution and employer. Please refer to the Algonquin College Policies website for the most current policy information available at

Students are especially encouraged to be aware of the following College expectations 

Academic Integrity

Algonquin College is committed to the highest standards of academic integrity, and students are expected to uphold these standards as part of the learning process. Any academic work submitted by a student is expected to be their own work, unless designated otherwise and all human and technological assisted generated sources must be attributed. All students should be familiar with the Algonquin College policy AA48: Academic Integrity which outlines student’s roles and responsibilities and what represents academic misconduct. Certain testing environments and course assessments may use online proctoring to prevent academic misconduct. Additional information including student resources can be found on the Academic Integrity Office’s web site and via Academic Integrity - Student Survival Guide - Subject Guides at Algonquin College ( Students with any questions about the course expectations regarding academic integrity are encouraged to speak to their professor and the College’s Academic Integrity Office team at

Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL)

Students with visible and/or non-visible disabilities are encouraged to register with the Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL) in order to be eligible for appropriate learning supports and/or accommodations. Students are strongly encouraged to make an appointment with the Centre for Accessible Learning as early as possible when starting a program. Once your needs are identified, a Letter of Accommodation (LOA) will be issued which you can share with your professors through the CAL Student Portal. If you are a returning student, please ensure that professors are given a copy of your LOA each semester. 


Test Accommodations for Students Registered with CAL

Students who require testing accommodations will book their tests/exams through the CAL Student Portal. It is important to note the posted test/exam booking deadlines for the term. Test booking deadlines are communicated through CAL Disabilities Counsellors, CAL Testing Services, and other college wide communication. Additional information on the steps to book accommodated tests/exams with CAL Test Services can be found at Step-by-Step Overview.


Retroactive Accommodations 

Students are expected to meet evaluation and completion deadlines as stated in course outline and weekly schedule documents. In circumstances where evaluation deadlines are missed or student performance has been affected by a temporary, significant and/or unanticipated change in functional ability related to disability (including mental health), interim or retroactive accommodations may be considered. For these instances it is advised you reach out to CAL or your professors as soon as possible. For other situations where deferral of evaluations may be warranted, please consult Algonquin College Policy AA21: Deferred Evaluation

Network Credentials and College Email 

Students at Algonquin College are provided with a college email account. This is the address that will be used when the College, your professors, or your fellow students communicate important information about your program or course activities. Your network credentials can be found in the ACSIS portal and you are expected to check your Algonquin email regularly and to use it to send and receive college-related email. Students are required to maintain the privacy of their AC login credentials. Sharing network credentials poses a security risk and is subject to disciplinary action. Your responsibility to protect your login credentials is governed by the Information Security Policy IT01. Support is available through the college Information Technology Service (ITS) at: 

Mental Health and Wellness Supports

Canada has launched a national Suicide Helpline at and a wide range of mental health and wellness resources for Algonquin students are available at

Student Course Feedback 

Algonquin College’s invites students to share their course experience by completing a student course feedback survey for each course they take. For further details consult Algonquin College Policy AA25: Student Course Feedback

Use of Mobile Devices in Class

With the proliferation of small, personal mobile devices used for communications and data storage, Algonquin College believes there is a need to address their use during classes and examinations. During classes, the use of such devices unless authorized by your professor can be disruptive and disrespectful to others. During examinations, the use of such devices is generally prohibited unless authorized by your professor. Otherwise use is considered academic dishonesty in the form of cheating. For further details consult Algonquin College Policy AA32: Use of Electronic Devices in Class 

Technology Requirements 

Students are required to have access to a computer and to the internet. There may also be additional technology-related resources required to participate in a course that are not included in the course materials fee, such as headphones, webcams, specialized software, etc. Details on these requirements can be found in the Weekly Schedule document of the course for each course available on Brightspace. 

Transfer of Credit 

It is the student’s responsibility to retain course outlines for possible future use to support applications for transfer of credit to other educational institutions. 

Safe Harbour 

In the event of an unexpected major event (pandemic, etc.), your course may have changes that are not reflected in the Course Outline. Should this happen, the Weekly Schedule document will have updated information about your course.