Course Description

Humour is a universal tool of communication and social influence. Students survey the development, use, and value of humour in Canadian visual and creative arts. Varieties of humour, such as irony, satire and farce are positioned in the context of Canadian culture to enhance the student's appreciation of humour and self-awareness.

General Education Theme Area(s)

This is a General Education course that supports learning in the following theme area(s): Arts in Society

Essential Employability Skills

This course contributes to your program by helping you achieve the following Essential Employability Skills:

EES 1 Communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in the written, spoken and visual form that fulfills the purpose and meets the needs of the audience. (A)
EES 2 Respond to written, spoken or visual messages in a manner that ensures effective communication. (A)
EES 6 Locate, select, organize and document information using appropriate technology and information systems. (T, A)
EES 7 Analyze, evaluate and apply relevant information from a variety of sources. (T, A)
EES 8 Show respect for diverse opinions, values, belief systems and contributions of others. (T, A)
Assessment Levels —T: Taught A: Assessed CP: Culminating Performance 

Course Learning Requirements / Embedded Knowledge and Skills

When you have earned credit for this course, you will have demonstrated the ability to:

1. Outline the varieties of humour found in visual and creative arts.

  • list the varieties and tools of humour (e.g. irony, satire, farce, slapstick, pun) found in visual and creative arts
  • evaluate the effect of tools used to create various types of humour
  • provide examples of these varieties of humour in Canadian visual and creative arts

2. Describe the occurrences and varieties of humour in Canadian visual and creative arts in terms of their linguistic, regional, and social characteristics.

  • examine occurrences of humour in Canadian visual and creative arts
  • classify occurrences of humour into patterns and categories
  • relate the patterns and categories of humour in Canadian visual and creative arts to various Canadian characteristics (i.e., linguistic, regional, social)

3. Discuss the roles of decorum, taste, values, and societal norms and their impacts on the creation and reception of humour.

  • explain the roles and responsibilities of an artist in creating humour
  • define decorum and taste as they relate to the reception of humour by an audience
  • explore societal and artistic values and norms in relation to the subject matter of humour

4. Analyze historical and contemporary patterns of humour in the broader Canadian cultural context.

  • examine the patterns and categories of humour in Canadian visual and creative arts across time
  • relate the patterns and categories of humour in Canadian visual and creative arts to Canadian cultural events and developments

Pre-defined Evaluation / Earning Credit

The following list provides evidence of this course's learning achievements and the outcomes they validate:

Quiz(zes)/Test(s) (27%)

Validates Outcomes:  CLR 1, CLR 2, CLR 3, CLR 4, EES 2, EES 6

Written Assignment(s) (40%)

Validates Outcomes:  CLR 1, CLR 2, CLR 3, CLR 4, EES 1, EES 2, EES 6, EES 7

Evaluation Assignment(s) (15%)

Validates Outcomes:  CLR 1, CLR 2, CLR 3, CLR 4, EES 1, EES 2, EES 6, EES 7

Discussion Forum (18%)

Validates Outcomes:  CLR 1, CLR 2, CLR 3, CLR 4, EES 1, EES 2, EES 6, EES 7, EES 8

Learning Resources

No textbook is required for this course.

The following online resources will be used:
-  course slides
-  visual and creative examples of Canadian art (clips, segments) 
-  reference sources such as (The Canadian Encyclopedia) and (The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) 

Learning Activities

  • An initial meeting of students and faculty
  • Computer-assisted and self-directed learning
  • Assigned and optional online readings
  • Student-selected viewings of clips and episodes
  • Online discussions
  • Online quizzes
  • Written assignments

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition

Students who wish to apply for Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) need to demonstrate competency at a post-secondary level in all outlined course learning requirements. Evidence of learning achievement for PLAR candidates includes:

  • Project/Assignment

Other Information

Grade Scheme

Final Grade Mark Equivalent Numeric Value Final Grade Mark Equivalent Numeric Value
A+ 90% - 100% 4.0 A 85% - 89% 3.8
A- 80% - 84% 3.6 B+ 77% - 79% 3.3
B 73% - 76% 3.0 B- 70% - 72% 2.7
C+ 67% - 69% 2.3 C 63% - 66% 2.0
C- 60% - 62% 1.7 D+ 57% - 59% 1.4
D 53% - 56% 1.2 D- 50% - 52% 1.0
F 0% - 49% 0 FSP 0 0

Course Related Information

Student Academic Responsibilities
Each student is responsible for the following:
  • Knowing the due dates for online quizzes, discussion board postings and responses, and written assignments
  • Maintaining a folder of all work done in the course during the semester for validation claims in cases of disagreement with faculty
  • Keeping both paper and electronic copies of all assignments, marked and unmarked, in case assignments are lost or go missing
  • Checking the Brightspace course shell for announcements, as well as one’s Algonquin email account, for messages from both professor and college administration
  • Participating in online quizzes and in discussion boards (both posting and responding) as required
  • Retaining course outlines for possible future use to support applications for transfer of credit to other educational institutions
You may be exempted from a General Education elective course. There are two ways to receive an exemption:
  • You may have taken a course that is very similar to one of the General Education elective courses in your program of studies.
  • You may have taken a General Education course that is not similar to Algonquin’s electives, but which clearly addresses one of the General Education theme areas.
For further information, visit the “General Education: Exemptions” site at

Withdrawal From the Course
The last date for withdrawing from courses without academic penalty is printed on your timetable. You are
responsible for notifying the professor and for completing the appropriate form for withdrawal with the Registrar.

Students are required to respect the confidentiality of employer, client and/or patient information, interactions, and practices that occur either on Algonquin College premises, or at an affiliated clinical/field/co-op placement site. Concerns regarding clients, patients, and/or employer practices are to be brought to the attention of the program coordinator, or designated field/clinical/co-op placement supervisor, so that they may be resolved collaboratively. Such concerns are not to be raised publicly either verbally, in writing, or in electronic forums. These matters are to be addressed through established program communication pathways.

Program Information

College Related Information

Algonquin College’s policies have been developed to ensure the health, safety and security of all students, faculty and staff, and the proper and fair operation of the College as an academic institution and employer.  Please refer to the Algonquin College Policies website for the most current policy information available at

Students are especially encouraged to be aware of the following College expectations

Academic Integrity 

Algonquin College is committed to the highest standards of academic integrity, and students are expected to uphold these standards as part of the learning process. Any academic work submitted by a student is expected to be their own work, unless designated otherwise and all sources must be attributed. All students should be familiar with the Algonquin College policy AA48: Academic Integrity .  In some courses, online proctoring may be used to discourage cheating. Additional information can be found at Students with any questions about the course expectations for academic dishonesty and plagiarism are encouraged to speak to their professor.

Centre for Accessible Learning
Students with visible and/or non-visible disabilities are encouraged to register with the Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL) in order to be eligible for appropriate learning supports and/or accommodations.  Students are strongly encouraged to make an appointment at the Centre for Accessible Learning as early as possible when starting a program. Once your needs are identified, a Letter of Accommodation (LOA) will be issued which you can share with your professors. If you are a returning student, please ensure that professors are given a copy of your LOA each semester.

College Email
Students at Algonquin College are provided with a college email account. This is the address that will be used when the College, your professors, or your fellow students communicate important information about your program or course activities.  Your network credentials can be found in the ACSIS portal and you are expected to check your Algonquin email regularly and to use it to send and receive college-related email. Support is available through the college Information Technology Service (ITS) at:

Retroactive Accommodations
Students are expected to meet evaluation and completion deadlines as stated in course outline and course section information documents. In circumstances where evaluation and/or completion deadlines are missed or student performance has been affected by a temporary or permanent disability (including mental health), interim or retroactive accommodations may be considered. In such instances, please consult your course faculty member. For other situations where deferral of evaluations may be warranted, please consult Algonquin College Policy AA21: Deferred Evaluation.

Student Course Feedback
Algonquin College’s invites students to share their course experience by completing a student course feedback survey for each course they take. For further details consult Algonquin College Policy AA25: Student Course Feedback.

Use of Mobile Devices in Class
With the proliferation of small, personal mobile devices used for communications and data storage, Algonquin College believes there is a need to address their use during classes and examinations. During classes, the use of such devices can be  disruptive and disrespectful to others. During examinations, the use of such devices may facilitate cheating. For further details consult Algonquin College Policy AA32: Use of Mobile Devices in Class

Technology Requirements
As Algonquin College continues to respond to public health guidelines, many courses will be offered through remote delivery. As such, students will be required to have access to a computer and to the internet. There may also be additional technology-related resources required to participate in a course that are not included in the course materials fee, such as headphones, webcams, specialized software, etc. Details on these requirements can be found in the Course Section Information of the course outline for each course available on Brightspace.

Transfer of Credit
It is the student’s responsibility to retain course outlines for possible future use to support applications for transfer of credit to other educational institutions.